Cissoid of Diocles (Differential Geometry)
martedì, Dicembre 8th, 2020
The equation of the cissoid of Diocles in polar coordinates is

Sketch the curve and find a parametric representation in rectangular coordinates.
Scarica gratis migliaia di esercizi svolti di Analisi Matematica, Fisica, Geometria etc.
The equation of the cissoid of Diocles in polar coordinates is
Some doubts about an exercise from the famous book "Schaum's Outline of Differential Geometry":
Show that the rappresentation
x(t)=1+cos(t), y(t)=sin(t) z=2*sin(t/2) for t in [-2 pi, 2 pi]
is regular and lies on the sphere of radius 2 about the origin and the cylinder (x-1)²+y²=1